Happy Accidents

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Don't Let's Start

You know, it's a tough thing getting a blog started. You have all these great ideas in your head and then you realize that, due to the sheer size of the internet, there's probably 100 million people just like you who not only have thought the same thing as you, but have already posted about it in a far more entertaining way.

But I can't worry myself about these people. For all I know, they're all friendless weasels who do nothing but watch television all day and play computer games. So, who cares what they think? Okay, I'm not much better than that, but I'm going forward with this crap anyway. Just try and stop me.

I haven't really come up with a style for my blog just yet, so if you notice things being moved around and logos being created (poorly), don't be alarmed. It's just stuff I should have done before I wrote this in the first place.


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