Happy Accidents

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sith Happens

I'm one of the fools who is going to see "Revenge of the Sith" tonight at 12:01 AM. Technically it'll be my birthday, so I can choose to do anything I want. That just happens to be it. I'll be joining the hundreds of Star Wars freaks in line to see if III is the prequel that lives up to the promise of the first trilogy. I sure do hope so.

It's hard to judge by the trailers and the commercials because they were pretty good for episodes I and II. And, while neither were horrible movies, they just weren't what I wanted. Maybe it was because I'm 20 years older than I was when I first saw the flicks. Whatever it is, the newer ones just haven't made me sit in wonder like I did when I saw the original holy trilogy all these years ago.


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