Happy Accidents

Friday, May 20, 2005

Get Arrested

Network upfronts are over and I have to say that I'm pretty happy with the results. Both Arrested Development and The Office USA were renewed and those were the two bubble shows I was pulling for the most.

If you haven't watched Arrested Development, I don't know what your problem is. It's probably the funniest show on the air and, while there's quite a lot of story that has passed since it began 2 years ago, it's very accessible due to the role of Ron Howard as narrator. He always lets you know what you need to know. The show does, though, reward attentive viewers for their loyalty with jokes they can only get, but even on its surface, it can easily be enjoyed.

The two actors I'd single out for their outstanding work on this show are Will Arnett and Michael Cera. Arnett plays GOB Bluth, the pompous but insecure eldest Bluth son. He's a very bad magician who always does his act to Europe's "The Final Countdown" The level of commitment he puts into the role is amazing. Michael Cera plays the teen son of GOB's brother. He's the consummate straight man. He won't get as many kudos as Arnett because he's the straight man, but he deserves every thumbs up. He's subtle where Arnett is bold. Each approach works for their characters.

So pick up the Arrested DVD for season 1 and when it comes back on Fox this summer in reruns. tune in. You'll be doing me a favor in helping keep this best comedy on TV on the air.


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