Happy Accidents

Thursday, June 09, 2005

End of the Trend: Couple Name Conflation

Okay, first it was Bennifer, then it was Romber, then it was Bennifer 2, now it's Brangelina?

Can we stop it with the name conflation of newsworthy couples? I guess it was cute at first, but now with Brangelina, it's just embarassing. I feel sorry for the people who have to type that out day after day for a job.

And is Brangelina even fair? Brad gets only half of his name and Angelina (who is hot, but frightens me) gets the whole thing. I guess it could be Bra and Ngelina, but that's just weird. Br is more of a believable consonant blend than Ng (in non-Asian names, natch) I call foul on behalf of the Br half of the couple.

Br, you can thank me later.


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