Happy Accidents

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Muppets, okay?

I watched and digested ABC's telemovie "The Muppets Wizard of Oz" on Friday. It wasn't really that good. I wanted it to be, but it really moved away from what makes the Muppets the Muppets. It had forgettable songs and way too "now" references that will serve to date the movie years from now.

That said, I liked the touches from the book, the silver shoes, the magical cap that controls the flying monkeys and the ol' cereal in the Scarecrow's brain trick. I also liked the characterization of Pepe, the king prawn, as Toto.

But I'm hoping that this underwhelming movie will not kill any plans Disney has for bringing the Muppets back. I wouldn't judge the viability of the Muppets franchise from one poorly written movie.

Please, Disney, bring back The Muppet Show!


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